Couch to Kayak/SUP FAQ's
So, you’re thinking about signing up for our 4 week beginner’s programme…..
Why should you Enrol?
At the end of your 4 weeks, here’s how you will look;
– You will paddle efficiently in lakes, rivers and on the shore.
– Your balance and rhythm will improve, allowing you to perform and rest efficiently.
– You will have the fitness required to complete a paddling journey safely.
– You will have conditioned your body to conquer the initial stress of water environments.
– You will have a more positive attitude about getting into the water. Your determination, self-confidence and concentration will improve as a result of completing a challenge.
– You will become more self-reliant, having the ability to both follow and lead efficiently.
– You will have the confidence and technical ability to use personal safety equipment in a range of scenarios.
– You will be aware of the opportunities and hazards in kayaking environments.
Lastly, we’ll give you a big feed at the end of each session.
What is the skills course?
Meeting up once a week to learn technical skills that will enable you to paddle confidently and safely. Maybe you have been frustrated at being in the house over lock down. Maybe your holiday plans were cancelled this year. Maybe now you’re wondering, is there anything exciting, adventurous to do in my local area?
Not everyone will jump at this opportunity, that’s why we’re looking to recruit those people with something special. A bit of grit, a sense of adventure. Someone open minded and willing to experience something challenging but massively rewarding.
We chose the evenings so 9-5 workers could join after work. Maybe you work in an office, a shop, a hospital or a gym. Why not experience something completely different?
Why wouldn’t I join?
The Cold; We chose September for our skills course as it has the warmest sea temperatures. We will provide you with our quality wetsuits to keep you warm through neoprene insulation. Neoprene keeps all your central heat in, and the cold elements out. The feeling of being warm and comfortable in water is an experience of its own. We chose these specific 5mm thick wetsuits because they are warm and buoyant.
I have no one to go with; Have you ever gone into the hills and met a prick? Its unlikely, because natural environments draw people who are self-reliant, open minded and curious. We are selecting a group of like-minded water enthusiasts to become a team of paddlers. On the first night of the course, you will get to know the other members by working shoulder to shoulder to complete games and tasks. By the end of the course, these people can depend on your skills and trust you that you are a safe member of the team. These are all people who want to try something new.
I can’t swim; We provide you with a buoyancy aid or personal floatation device. These are designed to keep you at the surface of the water, with your nose and toes out of the water. Paired with a neoprene wetsuit, you can literally lie back and float effortlessly.